



Read About Our Services.


Companies can pursue countless avenues when it comes to promoting their products. Appearance is the first step of taking attention to improve sales and marketing. Make use of print advertising would be one of them. We offer our printing service, to provide a product ready to be used as a final packaging. It is our job to ease the production for our customers, thus; depending on the order we offer different printing services for different products. As it is shown below, we have two types of printing services:

1.UV printing 6+6 colors is our premium quality printing service which has photo printing ability. By our experience, it is impossible to remove the print without tearing the casing (not possible to be removed by the mold, boiling, steaming, ink solvents, duct tape or very sharp gears as sharp as knives). With this machine we can print HD photos, both sides of your casings. We always recommend our clients to use this service for medium to large caliber on premium or average product.

2. Solvent base printing 6+6 colors is our cost efficient printing service which has highest demand in low caliber casings. By our experience this printing service is more suitable for low caliber mass production sausage or processed cheese packaging. With this machine we can print both sides of the casings. We often recommend our clients to use this service for their cost-effective small caliber products.